Grab the snacks and queue the playlist—nothing says summer like a good ol’ fashioned road trip. 但阳光最充足的季节并不仅仅适合在高速公路上行驶. 在银州,这也是举办特别活动的黄金时间.

Combine the quest for freedom the open road fulfills with a stop at one of Nevada’s extra-special summer events.

Double your fun this summer by pairing a road trip on some iconic routes with the anything-but-ordinary fairs, festivals, 以及沿途在城市和社区发生的比赛. We call that feeding two birds with one scone…or one tank of gas, as it were.

See the summer special events awaiting you on these four Nevada road trips

Lake Tahoe Loop

The Lake Tahoe Loop 它的名字来源于夏季的天堂——太浩湖. Enjoy crystal-clear alpine waters and sandy beaches before coming down the mountain into your choice of cities loaded with art, cuisine, 还有精品购物. From the Wild West history of Virginia City to the idyllic charm of Carson Valley, this route brims with hidden gems that’ll have you coming back in every season.

In the 最大的小城市夏天开始了 里诺河节 (June 7-9, 2024). Take a guided rafting tour down the Truckee River straight into the heart of downtown Reno or bring your bike—and costumes—along for the River Roll, a “moving concert” that traverses streets lined with murals and iconic sights. Two dozen bands will perform while attendees savor sips from the beverage garden (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic options) and street eats from local food trucks and vendors.

沉浸在美国印第安人的传统和文化 父亲节祈祷仪式 (2024年6月14日至16日). 在历史上举行 斯图尔特印第安世界杯下注网站中心 & Museum 校园里,成百上千的舞者、鼓手和艺术家来到这里 Carson City 庆祝部落遗产,纪念祖先. Peruse dozens of food and arts and crafts vendors between performances.

回到蓝色巨人 太浩湖莎士比亚节 (2024年6月28日至8月25日)是一次与众不同的剧院体验. 驾车前往风景优美的沙港州立公园 North Lake Tahoe and sink your toes into the sand while thespians take the lakeside stage and wow with their craft. This year features “The Merry Wives of Windsor” and “Always…Patsy Cline,以及充满芭蕾舞的现场娱乐阵容, jazz, rock cover bands, and more.


Life magazine once described Nevada’s Highway 50 as the “美国最孤独的路,” claiming travelers needed “survival skills” to take on a roadway with “no points of interest.但内华达人当时和现在都更清楚. Experience 这段著名的旅程 为你自己探索各种各样的州立公园, 大量的山艾草沙龙, 以及大盆地国家公园内的自然奇观.

More than 30 alternative and indie bands will flock to McGill (only a few minutes outside of Ely) for Schellraiser (2024年5月30日至6月1日). This three-day music festival describes itself as being “about as far away from mainstream tastemakers and trendsetters as you can get—geographically, philosophically, and sonically.” Take in sweeping mountain vistas and nearby natural warm springs while rocking out to Ladytron, Mercury Rev, The Raveonettes, Man Man, We Are Scientists, and others.

如果你曾经想骑山地车穿过赌场,放 Fears, Tears & Beers (2024年6月8日)在你夏季待办事项清单的首位. 在这个国家最古老的山地自行车耐力赛期间, riders will pedal past slot machines and table games before hitting the spectacular high desert terrain surrounding Ely. 

重温旧西部的枪战时光 最快的枪活着世界冠军 (July 25-28). 超过275名男性、女性和儿童来到这里 Fallon to compete in cowboy fast draw, all using wax bullets or blank cartridges. 决斗之余,你可以购买西方工艺品,或者在烤架上吃点东西.

At the 法伦哈密瓜节 & Country Fair (August 23-25, 2024), 你可以品尝到获奖的金心瓜, grown practically around the corner from this annual event in “The Oasis of Nevada.” Try all kinds of cantaloupe-flavored fare while partaking in carnival rides, concerts, livestock exhibits, pageants, and fair games.

Cowboy Corridor

今年夏天在I-80上巡航? 这条全国性州际公路的银州段被称为 Cowboy Corridor它横跨里诺到西温多弗. 从巴斯克和牛仔到红宝石山的景色, 这条路上到处都是西方文化遗产, 家庭式盛宴, 和令人振奋的户外探险.

In Elko,一睹拓荒者的风采 加州小径日 (June 1-2, 2024). 从1841年到1869年, more than 250,000人挤进有篷的马车,试图逃离,向西走了1000英里. See reenactments, 听肖托夸风格的故事, 玩拓荒小径游戏, 并观看为期两天的技能演示 加州小径解说中心.

你有两次机会像巴斯克人一样参加派对. At both the Winnemucca巴斯克节 (2024年6月7日至9日)和Elko 's 巴斯克民族节日 (July 6-7, 2024), 日子里充满了令人垂涎的美食, street dances, music performances, 还有乡村体育比赛,比如砍柴和举重. Picon Punches—the unofficial state drink of Nevada—will of course be flowing.

虽然博纳维尔盐滩在银州边界之外, West Wendover 这里是观赏这片超凡脱俗风景的完美大本营吗. During 博纳维尔速度周 (August 3-9, 2024), drivers in all kinds of racing classes will attempt to break land speed records on the salty terrain. 白天看旋风热,让 Wendover Will 晚上挥手让你回内华达州.


You might be tempted to drive from Las Vegas to Reno (or vice versa) without stopping, 但是相信我们——到达目的地才是乐趣所在. 这里有独一无二的艺术装置, 仍然存在的鬼城, and legendary lodging like The Clown Motel and the haunted Mizpah Hotel, 只要有机会就把车停在路边 自由放养艺术公路 is WELL worth it.

Rockhounders, jewelers, and antique enthusiasts should beeline it to the Tonopah Rock & Bottle Show (2024年7月19日至21日). 购买各种各样的商品, 包括未经加工和抛光的宝石和矿物, 老式玻璃瓶和绝缘体, coins, and jewelry. You can also go hands-on with a variety of lapidary and silversmith workshops.

参加全市狂欢期间 金田日庆祝活动 & Land Auction (August 2-4, 2024). The entire community embraces its Wild West roots with period costume contests, 历史(和闹鬼)之旅, a liars contest, stargazing parties, a dunk tank, and tons more. 舍不得离开? 在现场土地拍卖中提出你的要求!

In Sparks, jaws drop over (and for) the 250,000 pounds of ribs that are cooked up for eager masses at the 西部最佳肋排烹饪大赛 (2024年8月28日至9月2日). Local, national, and even international pitmasters grill up every kind of rib and barbecue style imaginable in fierce competition for prize money and bragging rights. 除了数以百计的小贩和动感十足的儿童区, 像克拉克叔叔这样的音乐家, Foghat, Ying Yang Twins将现场演奏他们的热门歌曲.

Take a drive. Find your vibe. Feel alive. Discover 10 of the 内华达州最好的自驾游 and all the events 发生在整个银州.